Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association
Pennsylvania Liaison

State College, PA

Free the mind and no problems exist_01
 ► Past Events
Chi-Chern (Ji-Cherng) Fa Shih’s Visit (July 15, 17/2007)

1. 7/15 (Sun, 9AM~4PM) One-day Mediation, Location: HUB 302.

2.  7/17 (Tue, 7~9PM) Public Lecture, Location: Chamber 101

    Topic: The Path to Liberation --- The Noble Eightfold Path (八正道)

   Click to listen on-line (mp3) (Given in Chinese)

(In Chinese: 繼程法師以輕鬆的口吻貫穿全場。從介紹三種世界觀開始。然後簡單清楚解釋因緣觀,讓我們了解到無常、無我的道理。不僅讓我們從知見上去理解這些道理、亦提醒我們在情緒上應如何開始調整,與生活結合起來。最後並綜合八正道解脫之道的修行原理做整個題目的歸納。請大家仔細聆聽。祝大家法喜充滿。 智慧增長。    -- 法鼓山賓州共修處)

Dharm Drum Retreat Center (Pine Bush, New York) Trip (March 31- Apr 1,2007)

Chi-Chern (Ji-Cherng) Fa Shih’s Visit (6/20~22/2006) 

Born in Malaysia, Venerable Chi Chern was ordained as a Buddhist monk by elderly Master Zhu Mo in Penang. Two years after his ordination, he traveled to Taiwan to further his studies of Buddhadharma in the Fo Guang Buddhist College... See more about Fa shih, click here






Schedule 弘法行程 

Date Time Activity Location


2:00 pm-
4:00 pm
Tea Party
Spring Creek Park
7:30 pm-
9:30 pm
Lecture (in Chinese)

Topic: 放不下中的放下 ──

Chambers Building 101 - Direction and Parking


 9:00 am-11:30pm
One Day Meditation -
Meditation Session I

Pasquerilla Spiritual Center-Eisenhower Chapel,  Frizzell Room

Direction and Parking


1:30 pm-
4:00 pm
Meditation Session II

Note: Two sessions (no lunch offered)

7:30 pm-
9:30 pm
Lecture (in Chinese and English)

Topic: Transforming Your Energy: How to Apply Chan (Zen) in Our Daily Life

Chambers Building 101 - Direction and Parking

Carefree - The Secret of Peace of Mind (Thursday, March 30 2006)

This talk was about how to settle down the mind, to be at ease under
whatever situation we are dealing with. With "carefree", we have the
secrets of a peaceful mind and a harmonized self. With "carefree", we have
comfortableness and security wherever we go. Wherever the body goes, the
mind will be there as well. This is the secret we are going to learn about.

Date: Thursday, March 30, 2006 Time: 7:00~9:30PM
Instructor: Guo Chian Fa Shi
Location: Chambers Building 106


好自在-隨處安心的秘密 (In Chinese) - 賓州 蔡湘寧撰稿  

法鼓山賓州州立大學共修處, 由果謙法師帶領, 330日至42,於賓州州立大學舉辦一系列初級禪修活動,將身心安頓的禪法,有次第的介紹給大學城的莘莘學子與共修處居士.  

330日在『好自在-隨處安心的秘密』中英雙語演講中, 法師徐徐道出身心不自在的原因,在於面對生活中諸如感情,事業,健康,生死等人生關卡時, 我們容易焦慮迷惑, 失去方向. 現代人更因人際疏遠,轉而追求物質上的享受與保障,卻反而更無安全感. 法師公開禪門『好自在』秘方-放鬆身心,放下牽掛,正向看生死, 讓我們走到哪,安全舒適跟到哪. 李璨光生動的英文翻譯, 帶動會場活潑的氣氛.與會34位學員服用法師以軟言和語送服的『好自在』清涼秘方, 大家都法喜充滿. 會後中外學員發問踴躍,許多聽眾表示願意認識更多佛法. 

41, 十四位中外學員參加了初級禪坐班,法師由調身,調息,調心,清楚有次第的介紹及示範禪坐方法,並融合八式動禪,瑜珈,推拿,方便善巧的帶領初學者在動靜交錯中,學習身的調合與散亂心的調伏.法師的用心與細心, 讓幾位有打坐經驗的老學員溫故知新,學到前所未學, 受益良多. 42,十位學員參與一日禪, 由法師監香,正式帶大家體驗禪坐. 間或引入行禪,跑香,吃飯禪.參加一日禪多是有經驗的學員,其中數位泰國學員在無寺院及常住的國外,非常珍惜法師帶的一日禪,有人坐到捨不得起座..


More photos please click here!

Beginner's Meditation Class (Saturday, April 1st)
The instruction follows Chinese Ch'an tradition, and concentrates on how to relax and use the breathing method to better your focusing power. Based on the lecture by Master Sheng-Yen, the instructor will comment on how to utilize the mediation skill to benefit our body and mind, as well as cultivate our wisdom in today's society.

Date: Saturday, April 1st, 2006 Time: 9:00AM~4:00PM
Instructor: Guo Chian Fa Shi
Location: Chambers Building 108

One Day Ch'an Meditation Retreat : Level One (Sunday, April 2nd)
Level One Ch'an practice involves sitting meditation periods that are alternated with walking meditation, meditation in motion, massage, yoga exercise, direct contemplation, etc. The subjects include the appropriate view on meditation practice, the prerequisite of meditation practice as well as the correct application of the meditation method.

Date: Sunday, April 2nd, 2006 Time: 9:00AM~5:00PM
Instructor: Guo Chian Fa Shi
Location: HUB 304.

Instructor: Ven. Guochian Fashi - Received full ordination in 1996. Guochian Fashi was appointed supervisor of the Dharma Protector (Dharmapala) Group in September 2004. She is experienced in giving Dharma lectures and providing guidance in Chan practice and medatiation.
The Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association, Pennsylvania Liaison, organized a series of events in Ch’an mediation practice at Feb 11~13, 2005, including beginner’s mediation class, one-day sitting mediation retreat, and a talk about ch’an practice and experience sharing. Please check details of each event as following. Click here to view all pictures.  

Talk about Ch'an Practice and Buddhism by Iris (Friday, February 11th 2005)

A talk about Ch'an practice, sitting meditation and Buddhism in Chinese tradition was hosted by Ms. Iris Wang. Ms. Wang is a long-time practitioner in Ch'an and sitting meditation with Master Sheng-Yen. She introduced some basic ideas about Ch'an meditation in Chinese tradition and shared her own experience and benefits gained in Ch'an practice. Click here to view all pictures


Beginner's Meditation Class (Saturday, February 12th)

The instruction followed Chinese Ch'an tradition, and concentrates on how to relax and use the breathing method to better your focusing power. Based on the lecture by Master Sheng-Yen, the instructor will comment on how to utilize the mediation skill to benefit our body and mind, as well as cultivate our wisdom in today's society. The instructor, Ms. Iris Wang, is certified as a beginner's meditation teacher and has practiced with Master Sheng-Yen for 12 years. Click here to view all pictures

One Day Ch'an Meditation Retreat : Level One (Sunday, February 13th)

Level One Ch'an practice involves sitting meditation periods that are alternated with walking meditation, meditation in motion, massage, yoga exercise, direct contemplation, etc. The instructor, Ms. Iris Wang, commented on the subjects lectured on by Master Sheng-Yen. Click here to view all pictures


"Selflessness and fulfillment" Public Lecture by Chan Master Sheng-Yen
(Nov 22-23 2003), Click here to listen! (mp3 in Chinese and English)