Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association
Pennsylvania Liaison


State College, PA
Phone: 814-867-9253, 814-867-5148,  Fax: 814-867-5148

Free the mind and no problems exist_01
 ► Mantra

The Great Compassion Mantra  (Links are fixed. Sorry for inconvenience.)

    1. Teaching Part (file: mp3)

    2. Chanting Part  (file: mp3)

 ► Master Sheng Yen

Social transformation has altered traditional family patterns, resulting in the rise of many family problems. Primary causes of these problems stem from individual different perceptions, clashes of living space, and lack of family time and interaction. These factors in turn cause "emotional gap" between husbands and wives. In addition, with differences in thoughts, habits and personalities, communication disorders frequently set in after marriage.
